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Operations control center in Bamboo Airways

Operations control center in Bamboo Airways

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Despite not flying, they still keep their eyes on every journeys in the sky, pay close attention to every details related to the flights. How is it possible? It is, with love.

We call it “the long distance relationship” because they only can follow their “love” through the … computer screen. They are Bamboo Airways’ Operations Control Center.

Having to work 24 hours per day and 7 days per week, these guys seem to never separate from the computer screen during the flying journey. Their screens have neither the romantic landscape nor the sexy women, but thousands figures, sophisticated color blocks and different boxes. Operations Control Center room works all day. Despite having to see their “love” through the screens, Operations Control Center members are the first people to get updated about flight schedule as well as make sure the highest safety and on-time performance of the flights.

These quiet heroes also do not hesitate to constantly keep track on air traffic, weather, meteorology, safe zones in the sky, etc.

They are one of the most reliable foundations for the taking off of Bamboo Airways’ happy flights, allowing cabin crew to serve passengers with comfort. They quietly follow their loves, grow the passion and attentively take care of every Bamboo Airways’ flight. “Even when someone has taken the turn for me, sometimes I am still startled because I see the working screen in my dream” – A member in Operations Control Center shared.

That is because of love. They can quietly follow their special “belief”.

Thank you, the members of Bamboo Airways’ Operations Control Center.

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